INSPIRED LIGHT in collaboration with INFINITI.
Here is the latest art project I did with Infiniti cars in Dubai. We transformed three cars into moving light painting brushes to create a new kind of image. The real inspiration for light painting comes when you discover that light is a medium of infinite qualities when you paint with it you create real...
TRANSIT Art Event.
We put together a new collaboration here in Montreal. This is a semi improvised performance mixing contemporary dance and light painting photography in collaboration with dance group Manon Fait de la Danse. It’s done with light painting photography and live video on monitors. (The show was shorten for this video edit) SOLO: After the...
Las Vegas light show with The Academy of Villains dance troupe
Performed at the Aria Hotel, Las Vegas in front of 3000 people with 200 feet of video screen. This was done for a giant creative software company from Silicone Valley. The client wishes to remain anonymous. All visuals are created live with lights, dance performance and video feedback. Imagined by Patrick Rochon The team...
LIFTOFF in 360º - The video
It’s incredible to have the chance to create and collaborate on such projects. Hooking up with Timecode Lab and Eric Pare here in Montreal, I had the chance to experiment doing light painting in 360 degree. The set up is quite analog, 24 cameras on a ring in 360 exposing at the same time. So...
Light Painting Sculptures - Four dimensional art
The pictures here below are exactly what was shot in studio with out any alteration or retouching. Click to open The Light Painting Sculptures series demonstrates the four dimensions of painting with light. In the video piece, you can actually see and experience the four dimensions at work. Light accumulates through space and time...
PBS - Light Painting Interview
This was shot last June while I was in New York for the workshop with Aurora Crowley. Light Painting has been growing significantly for the last decade, now PBS a main stream media channel is talking about our unique form of art. This is an honor and a victory vor all the light painters out...
SUPERNOVAE - Fashion Through the Eye of Light
Link to the Youtube version: This is a collaborative multimedia fashion shoot. It started as a fashion shoot between make up artist Nathalie Dodon and I. We were supposed to do what we call a test shoot. The idea was to do a commercial version of light painting for a fashion client my agency and...
Video clip for Nicolas Maranda’s track “646”
This was done using video feedback and video projections on a dancer. Created in 2009. Video clip for Nicolas Maranda’s track “646” (Couchpotatoes Remix) Produced, directed, filmed and edited by Patrick Rochon and Nicolas Maranda Album: “Minuit le soir- l’album double” Dancers: Sarah Lefebvre, Emanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin Cellist: Véronique Poulin Violinist: Simon Claude Percussionist: Mélissa...