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Welcome to my world of painting with light.

To me light painting is an expression of our true selves. It's about the trace we create and leave behind. Through science, we now know that our bodies are emitting light. So in a way, we've been and are constantly light painting by living.
Light painting is an amazing form of art. It in hence your imagination, wakes up your intuition and reflects who you are and where you are at, it's like a mirror of the soul.

Hands On Time - Magazine Interview from India

Hands On Time - Magazine Interview from India

A new article just got published in Hands On Time (HOT), a magazine from India. 1. How did you first get interested in the theme of light? I guess it’s been through learning photography. I started light painting in 1992 and it slowly grew within me. I increasingly became fascinated by light paining. I...
INSPIRED LIGHT in collaboration with INFINITI.

INSPIRED LIGHT in collaboration with INFINITI.

Here is the latest art project I did with Infiniti cars in Dubai. We transformed three cars into moving light painting brushes to create a new kind of image. The real inspiration for light painting comes when you discover that light is a medium of infinite qualities when you paint with it you create real...


Beautiful German magazine and blog dedicated to lighting design and creation related to light. He’s the interview I got and the message behind my work. Of light-emitting bodies and the work of Patrick Rochon Human bodies literally glow. This is because of the ultraweak photon emissions our bodies generate, which are known for the...
I got the cover and an article in the 6229 Magazine

I got the cover and an article in the 6229 Magazine

I got the honour of being the first artist on the cover of the new magazine 6229. This an innovative and bilingual magazine on photography and video in Québec created by Lozeau. Get your copy here: When did you become a light painter? In 1997, I left Montreal for Tokyo. At the time, I was...
I got a great interview with NIKON.

I got a great interview with NIKON.

To see the complete version with the pictures, click here: Text from the interview: PAINTING WITH LIGHT: PATRICK ROCHON Patrick Rochon is a Canadian photographer who specialises in shooting the movement and effects of light. We spoke to him about this technique and how he gets his stunning results.   Tell us a bit about...
Interview and light tools in DIY Photography

Interview and light tools in DIY Photography

  Here is a good article on the 360 degree light painting project and also it shows a few simple tools that looks a little clunky but yet are very efficient light tools:   Today on the blog we are hosting master light painter Patrick Rochon who collaborated with Eric Pare on a 360 light painting project....
PBS - Light Painting Interview

PBS - Light Painting Interview

This was shot last June while I was in New York for the workshop with Aurora Crowley. Light Painting has been growing significantly for the last decade, now PBS a main stream media channel is talking about our unique form of art. This is an honor and a victory vor all the light painters out...