Radiant Light
Most of what shapes reality is invisible. I’ve been fascinated by what we can’t see. Like the shape of sounds, energy, vibrations, feelings, the photons our bodies emits. Light is invisible until it touches something. Vibrations made by our voices have the most intricate shapes as we can see with cymatics. The work of Dr. Masaru...
Beautiful German magazine and blog dedicated to lighting design and creation related to light. He’s the interview I got and the message behind my work. https://pld-m.com/von-schimmernden-koerpern-und-patrick-rochon/?lang=en Of light-emitting bodies and the work of Patrick Rochon Human bodies literally glow. This is because of the ultraweak photon emissions our bodies generate, which are known for the...
My TED talk in Rome Trastevere October 16
If you are in ROME on october 16 and want to see my TEDx talk, register here: https://tedxtrastevere.com I’ll be doing a light painting KATA live and share the message behind my work. The video will be posted here when available. Follow TEDx Trastevere on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tedxtrastevere The TEDx Trastevere add for the National Geographic channel:...
BUY ART NOW - Special edition - 1/1
I’m now selling some art on The Light Painting Shop. Affordable large prints and soon the light tools I use to create my art. https://thelightpaintingshop.com or OWN AN ORIGINAL LIGHT PAINTING KATA - ONE UNIQUE PRINT AVAILABLE PER SIZE - These KATA are available in 3 sizes with the option of 2 thickness finish. The...